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About Us

AlShraideh Law Firm originated at the beginning of the sixties and was named "Office of Law" founded by the lawyers Abdul Rahman Khalifa, Abdullah Al-Rimawi, and the former President of the Bar Association Hussein Megally, and the lawyer Hatem AlShraideh who has joined them since 1985 and became the current sole owner of the office.


With a full team of lawyers, we practice in all types of civil, criminal and administrative cases, state security courts, customs courts, income tax, intellectual property cases, and the establishment of companies and individual institutions. We also specialize in all types of cases in all courts of all types throughout the Kingdom.


We seek to raise the role of the legal profession and the judiciary as we believe that the role of the legal profession is to protect the rights of individuals, the nation, and the country and we will continue to strive for this within the framework of the constitution and the law. 

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